Students In Free Enterprise of International University of Kyrgyzstan

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Student's organization SIFE of the International university of Kyrgyzstan, is created in 1996 with the purpose of development and realization of the cultural - educational projects directed on increase of a level of knowledge, culture, business and professional skills of youth, including charitable, nature protection and commercial projects.
Members of the organization of IUK SIFE are students of the International University of Kyrgyzstan of 1-2-3-4 courses. IUK SIFE is among the first teams organized with the beginning of movement SIFE in Kyrgyzstan. From year to year, students of IUK SIFE carry out the vigorous activity in support of ideological direction SIFE. We are developing and realizing the cultural - educational projects directed on increase of a level of knowledge, culture, business and professional skills to pupils and students; commercial projects, cooperating with leading firms and the companies.

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